Survival requires humor. Humor Requires vodka.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Being a SAHM is a JOB. Period.

When the question comes up in a conversation, "Where do you work?", I obviously give them my title of "I am a Stay at Home Mom.".

For everyone who doesn't have kids they always reply with, "Well that must be plush and nice to not work."

Excuse me?

Besides the headaches, cooking, feeding, cleaning, tantrums, wiping of the butt and diaper changes, more cleaning, more cooking, more wiping of the butt and diaper changes, tantrums, entertaining the kid(s), even worse headaches, more cooking, more feeding, tantrums, more wiping of the butt and diaper changes, bathing the kid, putting/fighting the kid (or kids in some woman's cases) to bed, finding time with your significant other with your now migraine while getting little sleep.

Waking up around 7 something in the morning to do it all over again.

Yeah, it's plush. That's when the child is healthy.

Don't get me wrong, it's rewarding. I'm not griping, I just wish it was recognized as a legit job without pay other then unlimited tantrums, drop kicks, migraines, kisses.

Take today for instance... Just for an example. I hate disciplining William, but "spare the rod spoil the child".

William has caught onto a few bad habits that he caught onto from another child- It's not going to fly. AT ALL. I spent all day yesterday sitting him down, talking to him, doing everything I possibly can to help him with out spanking him. I had a migraine by midday even with my migraine medicine. Today was the breaking point. I was in his room with him and we we're cleaning it. I was cleaning it. I was asking him over and over to help me. He wouldn't. He just went behind me and messed up everything I did and even had the never to punch me in the stomach twice while I was cleaning. UM. NO. I sat him down for the millionth time and told him if he doesn't stop he was going to get a spanking and sit in the corner.

Do you really think that helped? No.

He went into the other room. So I said, "William come here!" I was going to ask him to put his stuffed animals on his bed for me... He in return stomped into his room and proclaimed, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?"

That my friends is a Mother's breaking point. He didn't learn that from us. After his spanking he got to put his nose in the corner till I was done cleaning his room. It was so peaceful.

I am happy to report that after I was done cleaning, we talked, AGAIN.

I asked him if he knew why he was in trouble... guess what he said? "Yes, ma'am."

Everything from then on has been "Yes Ma'am" and "Yes Sir' ".

So when someone says they are a stay at home mom, never say they have it good... or they have it plush. Thank you.

PS. If you have more then 1 child or Twins you are my hero. All SAHMs are HEROS! :)

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